

We are looking for you!As a user of the iBelieve app.

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What is iBelieve?

iBelieve is an art project and a tech-art experiment investigating the micro-rituals that generate faith. The project is realized within the framework of “Face to Faith” and made possible by the Sommerblut cultural festival in Cologne.

Who are we?

We are an independent collective of Romanian artists Elena Morar, Ilinca Hărnuț and Diana Miron, who specialize in performing arts. iBelieve is designed by Glitch Shop and developed by Cristian Stănescu.

How can you be part of it?

We are looking for volunteers who want to test and play with our app. This makes you part of this tech-art experiment.

Download for more details

How does iBelieve work?

Click the links above that will take you to the store. Follow the instructions to download the app and your iBelieve journey will start.

Your journey will mean receiving daily or weekly non-mystical rituals to perform by yourself or with others.

What does that mean?

That means creating your own ritual experience by interacting with the world, with the society around you, with yourself and your core beliefs.

How much time should you allow?

Most rituals will not take up much of your time (from a couple minutes to half an hour daily, depending on the ritual) and you will have several options along the way to choose from.

What will the content flow be?

As you join our community, we would love to receive your opinion and feedback at any stage within these 30 days. Although you can quit at any time, completing the entire 30-days faith journey would be an ideal commitment.

What about content display and sharing?

You have the option of keeping everything you upload (photos, videos, sounds),to yourself, but you will also have the option to choose what you’d like to share with us.

This way you can contribute to the iBelieve performative installation, a recollection of actions, images, places and thoughts of an absent collective.

Will there be a presentation installation?

On May 22nd, there will be a performative installation during the Sommerblut cultural festival in Cologne, based on the user generated content . Don’t worry, your discoveries will be as anonymous or not as you want them to be.

What happens with the data?

All your data and content inside the app will be accessed and processed by the creative and technical team of iBelieve. We will use it for creative, non-profit, academic ways only, as a social playful experiment.

You want to be part of the iBelieve family?

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Find more about our partners and the festival:
FaceToFaith Logo
Sommerblut Festival Logo
FaceToFaith Facebook Page
Note: the present version of the app is only available in English language.